How are you not outraged?
Michael Brown, an unarmed teenager was shot 12 time by a white police officer.
A Grand Jury failed to indict the officer responsible.
Was he dangerous because he was black?
Did his parents not deserve justice because they were black?
Did Michael Brown not deserve to live because he was black?
Right now protesters in Ferguson, most of whom are unarmed are facing police in armored vehicles, with automatic weapons and tear gas. While the outcry and media coverage is extraordinary the situation is not. We casually accept racism in the media, from the police, among our friends. While our brothers and sisters, friends and neighbours are stifled and stymied we accept language related to equal opportunity and legalized equality while in politics, business, education, and justice they have far from a fair chance.
Please don't post about Pat Quinn, your new coffee mugs or some enlightened quote. Please don't forget about your privileges whatever they may be.
It is time that we used our voices and our power to stand in solidarity with one another and speak out against injustices when we see them.
Justice for Michael Brown.