During the turbulence of the last year I've had friends both new and old really make a difference and help me get through everything. I'm so thankful in general to have you in my life and for the things listed below.
I'm making an effort to going in chronological orders.
Thank you:
Shannon and Lenny: For hosting me whenever I come to Halifax and particularly when I came last new years. You're so generous it's incredible.
Alex Ke: For putting up with me as your room mate for more than two years and for being there for one on one hang outs and most of the group activities outlined below.
Claire: For being my emergency contact person while I was away and for baring the responsibility for the sealed envelope. I'm always so very happy when we get to spend tme together.
David and Lise: For proposing and letting me store most of my worldly possessions in your storage space while I was gone, and for accompanying me to the hospital when I cut my finger. I really enjoy the time we spend together still and in motion.
The 12 people who helped me move things into David and Lise's storage area: Thanks again!
The people who came to my going away party and who wrote me letters to take on my trip: Thanks for the send-off and I promise I haven't forgotten to write you back!
Alex Ko: For being a stellar room mate and confidant in Bukavu.
Karen D: For including me in ultimate Frisbee and sharing with me over tea.
Sandra: For baking cakes with me and coming to visit me in Ottawa.
Anja: For being my confidant, for offering me drives, sharing meals together and asking Reiner to listen to my cough. You'll always be my Bukavu Mom!
Mom: For housing me in May, for coming to Ottawa during medical house arrest, for our trip to Kingston and for continuing to answer the phone despite my continued bad news.
Karen C: For your life long friendship, for asking me to be your maid of honour and for keeping me company in Ottawa.
Helena and JF: Thank you for letting me stay with you twice while I was re-establishing myself in Ottawa. It was a joy to spend time with you both watching Ms. Fisher and playing with your daughters.
Brian S: For driving me and my things from Mississauga to Ottawa, helping me move, coming up for my Birthday and generally being wonderful!
Adam: For being part of the first moving group AND showing up to help me move into my new place after a hard day of work AND for hanging out with me while I was on in home isolation. I really appreciate that you put up with my teasing and hair ruffles. Your long term friendship has really meant a lot to me.
Kyle: I'm pretty sure you're solely responsible for me not losing my mind this year. Thanks for your unwavering support and company.
Jarz: For being there when I've needed you most and for bringing me the replacement flower pot and flower while I was on medical house arrest.
Aunt Miriam: Thank you for helping me while I was on medical house arrest with meals, drives and groceries you greatly relieved my fears and were a wonderful source of support.
Nigel: For your phone calls and for our adventure in Rimouski!
Sara: Also for your phone calls and your visits to Ottawa.
Everyone who visited me during medical house arrest: Thanks for taking the risk to come to see me. You ensured that I didn't lose my mind and remained properly fed.
Mathilde: For being a great office mate and sharing in the struggle.
Becca: For helping me pick up household furnishings, for letting me use your drill and for putting up with crabby summer Kirsten.
Stephane: For being willing to eat ice cream with me when it counts.
Channing: For jumping head first into our friendship and reliably being there.
My other friends in Guelph, KW, Toronto, Mississauga, Ottawa and Halifax who are ready to spend time together every time I arrive and who have taken the time to share encouraging words.
On the off and horrifying chance that they have found this blog I'd also like to express my gratitude to my current and my former supervisor. To my former supervisor for pushing me to write the best thesis possible and my new supervisor for being so supportive and sticking with me through this transition.
Although most of them can't read in English I'm also so grateful to my research participants for sharing with me, learning with me and inspiring me.