Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Some Sad Goodbyes.

So I spent the last three days here tying up loose ends and saying goodbyes at the various places which I have frequented. I have to say I am very, very sad to be leaving. I never could have imagined that somewhere so far away could have felt so much like home.

On Monday I started at the Bright Site Project where some of the staff and clients who I assisted came to say goodbye. I also brought presents for two little girls who might otherwise not receive anything this Christmas. Following that I walked over to the Methodist City Mission where I had been invited to their end of year lunch. I was surprised to find my friend Eloi who has given me some assistance had bought me a present and that the administration had gone to the trouble to make me a thank you card which was unexpected and very nice.

On Tuesday I went to the Institute for Security Studies and said goodbye to the Arms Management Program girls and did some reading and writing. We went out at lunch and sadly I found some plastic in my food which was less than pleasant. In the evening I went out with what turned out to be about 22 friends for dinner. Dinner was nice, although somewhat difficult to maneuver due to our seating arrangement. I took lots of pictures.

Unfortunately some people came to join us who I knew from the Bright Site Project and they left without paying there bill or really saying a proper goodbye. I was really disappointed because these were people who I had previously helped considerably financially and had not offered to pay for their meals. The worst part was that they had chosen to eat meals that were more expensive than my meal and dessert combined (Cafe 41 has really good chocolate cake).

On the complete opposite side of things I also experienced Generosity one of the female clients of the bright site project who is from Congo, who I didn't really do anything for beyond providing friendship had sent along with the gang some clothing she had made. MJ has been selling this clothing to live off of and to be honest she gave me enough clothes for at least a week's worth of clothing for her and her children. Also when I was left with the bill someone did step in and assist with a portion of it.

After this little incident and some other people left we went to my friends' Wester and Daniel's house to continue the party. I really enjoyed myself. I have to say the friends I have made here (and I mean my true friends, not the ones who walked out without paying the bill) are really fantastic and I am going to miss them dearly. Luckily some of them live in Europe which is not so far away and others travel with their jobs and hopefully will come visit me in Canada.

In any case some of you may be wondering about my flight information as I will be arriving home tomorrow (Thursday) so here it is.
11 hour flight to Zurich from Joburg
9 hour flight from Zurich to Montreal
1.5 hour flight from Montreal to Toronto,

The Toronto flight information is as follows:
Flight# LX 4654
Arrival time: 6:25 p.m.
Terminal 1

If you would like to come and you are able to I would be delighted to see you.

Also this is not quite the end for my blog I still have a bit more to write about once I get back so do keep reading.

See you soon!

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