Tuesday, May 25, 2010

A Minor Celebrity at Dalhousie Law School?

So I went to Tom's Little Havana in Halifax to meet my room mate and her friend for a beer. I stood waiting for a seat for some time and after a while approached a table where the three patrons looked like they might be preparing to leave and asked if I could sit down. They said yes and so I sat. After a while we got to talking, I introduced myself, and they introduced themselves. It turned out that one of them, Natalie, was in first year law school at Dalhousie. I excitedly responded "Oh, I took a couple of law school courses last year" and explained that I had completed them as part of my M.A. The girl the looked at me incredulously and said "So you're the girl who fought her way into law school classes..." And I said "excuse me?" and asked her to explain. Apparently the law school has been quite firm with its policy this year to not allow outside students to take their courses and cited the example of a girl last year who fought her way into two courses.

Now what actually happened was that the professor invited into his Intellectual Property Law II course as international development study MA students, and the law school was obliged to accept us. At this point I was informed that I would only be allowed to take 1 law school course despite the fact that I had the permission of the graduate coordinator and the instructor to take a second course in International Criminal Law second semester. I accepted this but when I mentioned it to the chair of the department, she went into a blind rage and demanded that the law school allow me to take the second course (I do have a substantial background in law after all). In any case the law school obliged. I am happy to report that I got an -A in both classes and that this is how I became a minor celebrity at Dalhousie Law School.


  1. Congratulations on the celebrity status. Being semi-famous for fighting for what you believe in is a good thing to strive for.
