Monday, July 12, 2010

Now with 20% more Blindness

So Friday night I noticed a red blotch in my vision, and then I noticed it again and again and it didn't seem to want to go away. Saturday, I was a little bit nervous and started looking up possible causes on the internet. By Sunday the spot was pretty much constantly there and my vision had become very blurry and a little bit doubled in my left eye. I was worried (and of course didn't tell anyone) but knew I had to go to the doctor.
When I headed for the walk in clinic this morning I was optimistic that he would send me to work saying that it was just eye strain. No such luck. Upon seeing me he suggested that I go to the emergency eyecare center at the hospital. When I got there they informed me that the doctor should have called in advance of my arrival but fortunately made an appointment for me anyway. I was seen about three hours later by an opthalmological intern who initially said he didn't see much but then called the ophthalmologist who said he saw a yellow spot on my retina. He said it was either the result of too much sun exposure or a hole between the macular and the retina and took a whole lot of images of my eye. The one was simply of my retina and the other showed the amount of fluid in my eye. As it would happen, there is a build up of fluid on my retina probably from sun over exposure.
Unfortunately my friend of a red spot is likely to be with me from a few weeks to a few months. I hope that the double vision goes away soon because my visual acuity in my left eye this morning was well within the range to be considered legally blind.
The doctor also said that I should try to reduce my stress since that for some reason could aggravate the situation.



  1. oh no, take good care of yourself! seeing double, is that going to affect your job at work? can you take some time off to heal? hope your eye gets much better soon!!

  2. Thanks Dalbir :). I should be fine because the double vision is only in one eye and I remain optimistic that the artificial tears will help.
