Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Shopping Day

So I didn't have any scheduled meetings today and the weather wasn't particularly nice so I decided to pick up some groceries and do some shopping. Groceries were fairly uneventful although hopefully I will be able to spend slightly less money on food now that I don't have to eat out constantly... actually I spent the same amount I would have spent on one meal out on 6 meals worth of food plus some yoghurt, apples and 9 litres of water (the water was onsale for about $4 CDN). so that probably will get me a bit ahead.
I then went to check on my computer which I was informed was not ready but I feel as if something got lost in translation because when i asked if they thought it would be totally fixed the man behind the counter replied "normalement" which translates to normally which didn't really match up with my question, but oh well we will see. Needless to say I would really like my laptop back so I could stop using these damned ones I have to pay for ergh.
After recieving no news about my laptop I was feeling rather desolate so I decided to look around the University building where the computer repair shop is located. I decided that I might have a chance of actually meeting someone. As it happened it worked! After sitting down alone an exchange student from England asked if she could sit down and we had a nice conversation. So good.

Parc Basstion
On the way to the shopping area the tram I was on stopped in front of a park which had these giant chess boards in it which I had seen pictures of on the internet. At the last minute I leapt off the tram getting my foot caught in the door which was closing behind me. This was fine at the time although now my ankle is kind of hurting. In any case I explored the park for quite sometime watching men play life sized games of chess. The park is really amazing it had several religious monuments in it in addition to jugglers and a very old University building containing the school of theology which I guess was consistent with the religious monuments. And then I moved on.

Upon arriving in the shopping area on the left bank of Lake Geneva I headed straight for the Franz Carl Weber toy store, which is three floors of amuzing goodness. I went partially out of pure curiosity and partially out of a desire to add to my Jolly Mah collection of sheep and other products with sheep on them which I started in the Netherlands. (Jolly Mah of course being a specific line by Nici) In any case I was in luck as the store carried the entire Nici line so I indulged in a Jolly Mah keychain where the sheep was wearing a t-shirt with the Swiss Flag on it and a new mug to replace one of the three that have broken since 2006. I also bought a hello kitty mug for my cousin's wife as that is her thing.
I then moved on to a cappucino at a rather interesting location called Globus which is sort of like the Richtree Cafe but the food is actually made right in front of you. It was very good and a possibility for dinner tonight or later.
After my coffee I moved on to look at some clothes and found this store called Pimkie which carries a variety of European brands and is quite large. I tried on a number of things all but one of which I liked although I eventually settled on a short sleeved brown cardigan with orange undertones and an orange cotton shirt and necklace to go with it. I could definitely see myself developing a serious shopping problem here. Good thing I'm leaving in a week.

Movenpick is the brand of Swiss icecream which I keep raving about. There is a small booth along the River Rhone in the shopping area which I mentioned above which is operated by quite a kindly gentleman, who I've now met on three occasions who is quite the conversationalist. So I will keep returning to the location both for the ice cream and the conversation. (I've now tried 4 flavours, and I think either the Pear or the Carmelita were my favorite.... Canada needs more Movenpick).

Details on Germany to follow (I swear as soon as I get my laptop back it will happen.


P.S. I also plan to post some pictures from today when I have a working laptop. Arg.

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